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This is an Event sourced microservice example implemented using Java, Dropwizard and Akka Persistence

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This is an example application implemented using:

If you find the example helpful, and maybe learned something new, please give it a star. If you have improvement suggestions please create an issue or a pull request. Enjoy :-)

How to start the Mymicroservice application

  1. Clone the restapi-codegen-maven-plugin repo git clone
  2. Run mvn clean install in the 'restapi-codegen-maven-plugin'-folder
  3. Then clone this repo git clone
  4. Run mvn clean install in the akka-persistence-java-example/tree/master/mymicroservice-server-folder
  5. Start application with java -jar target/mymicroservice-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml
  6. To check that your application is running enter url http://localhost:8080

Health Check

To see your applications health enter url http://localhost:8081