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Mainly I have worked as a developer with web applications in very different fields, such as banking, finance, insurance, smartphone, TV and library. A lot of my experience has been as a developer, which later on has evolved into roles with more responsibility.

React Webpack Tutorial - (GitHub)

This is a tutorial on how to get started developing a client side application using ReactJS, Webpack and Npm.

Akka Persistence Java Example - (GitHub)

This is an Event sourced microservice example implemented using Java, Dropwizard and Akka Persistence.

REST API Codegenerator Maven Plugin - (GitHub)

This is a maven plugin for automatically generating client-side code to reach your own REST API.

Maven Archetype Eventsourcing

This archetype creates a working java-project with Event Sourcing, Angular and Spring.

Android Simple GameAPI

Getting you startet developing android games.

Java Json Client

This is a library that provides you with a simple way to do http/https requests to your REST API

Useful links